06. Intended Use and Clinical Impact Exercise

Intended Use and Clinical Impact Exercise

In this exercise, you are given a dataframe that contains the demographics of a random sample of patients that a classification algorithm was trained on. Consider this random sample to be representative of the whole training population. This algorithm reads in screening mammography studies and determines if any image in the study is abnormal. The claimed intended use of this algorithm is that it assists in the detection of normal studies, with an indication for use of removal from a radiologist's priority queue, and to flag potentially abnormal studies for earlier reads.

The demographic data in the dataframe contains the following information for the patients on whom this algorithm was trained:

  • Age
  • Gender
  • Race
  • Number of prior positive (abnormal) mammography screens
  • Type of mammography scanner used to acquire their images

Explore the demographic data to generate a description of who the appropriate population is and what clinical conditions are indicated for the clinical use of this algorithm.


If you need a code on the https://github.com/udacity.